Solo Exchibition
7 December 2023 - 27 January 2024
6th floor, Vasilissis Sofias 112A Avenue, Athens, Greece
®Enriched design of Eclipse of Rainbow lighting designed by Eugenia Antoniou
''In our gradually shrinking world'', where our life passes in transformation, we are left with the mutable 'world' within as the only constant.
In a world that is in a constant state of flux where an ever-changing, ever-expanding set of variables is the norm rather than the exception, Eugenia Antoniou's observation and sensitivity allow her to detect the volatility of our moods and nuances of emotions that usually go unnoticed. This is the subject of her narrative that through a kaleidoscopic record takes the form of images that create a sense of things upon which we act and move, consciously or unconsciously.
Eugenia's works capture through different styles, media and scales the complexity and multiplicity of human being; our polysemous, vulnerable and, above all, arcane psyche.
A gaze that introspects while at the same time points far and beyond. Figures that exude solitariness and contemplation. Solitary figures but not alone, who borrow human characteristics to express states of being, expressions and gestures, as if "the world is nowhere, my love, if not within."